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Samanota pieva, MB

Ėriškėlių g. 9, Ėriškiai, 38034 Panevėžio r.
(+370) 69012100
4 years of activity
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(+370) 69012100
Eglė Talačkienė
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Date of registration
10 employees (insured)
Average wage
1 059,44 € (2024 July) more information


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Surrounding companies | Show on map

Basakojis, stovykla, VšĮ
18.1 km | Ukmergės g. 34, Panevėžys
camping children camp farewell banquet children camp camp of teenagers children camp
Vaikystės šilelis, stovykla
25.2 km | Linkė, Panevėžio r.
central Lithuania of Panevėžys vicinity region rest children camp camp of teenagers paintball fireplace barbeque outside fireplace youth discotheques dancing painting cluster flashing cluster youth enterntainment leisure in reservation...
Taujėnų dvaras, UAB
26.9 km | Dvaro g. 2, Taujėnų k., Ukmergės r.
accommodation hotel rooms cafe banquets hall rental parties excursions guide children's tours bath tub funeral dinner fests christening food delivery to home...
Nuotykių turizmas
49 km | S. Nėries g. 5, Ukmergė
guidance hiking entertainment outdoor fun activities for leisure active recreation extreme leisure extreme rest extreme entertainment extreme activities organization extreme feelings rest in the nature formation of the team extreme hiking organization hiking in waterways hiking in nature kayaking trips...
Sidabrinė pieva, poilsiavietė
52.6 km | Kazlaučiznos k. 2, Ukmergės r.
homstead rent of homstead homestead by a lake rent of steamhouse recreation at the lake rural homstead rural tourism rural tourism farmstead rest in the nature birthday jubilee recreation center kayaks children's playground boats...
Pasvalio kempingas
53.2 km | Dvareliškių g. 1, Pasvalys
hotel camping cheap accommodation plat du jour cafe food delivery rest accommodation banquet preparation banquets nutrition plat du jour double rooms three-bed rooms bath tub...
Palukščio dvaras
65.1 km | Lukštinės g. 4, Milašaičiai, Raseinių r.
rural tourism manor vacations in Lithuania points of interest parties banquet halls fests bath bathhouse services fishing junkets banquet hall accommodation accommodation services bed Conference...
Basakojis, stovykla, VšĮ
69.6 km | K. Kalinausko g. 19, Šiauliai
camping children camp farewell banquet children camp camp of teenagers children camp
Kelionių akademija, Šiaulių filialas, UAB
71.3 km | Vilniaus g. 146, Šiauliai
exotic tours tourism recreational travels sightseeing tours skying trips cruises camps for children business trips weekend trips airplane trips flight tickets insurance tourism agency travel organisation last minute offers last minute...
Kelionių akademija, Kauno filialas, UAB
79.5 km | Karaliaus Mindaugo pr. 22 (Centras), Kaunas
exotic tours tourism recreational travels sightseeing tours skying trips cruises camps for children business trips weekend trips airplane trips flight tickets insurance tourism agency travel organisation last minute offers last minute...
Virinta, kaimo turizmo sodyba
84.5 km | Virintų g. 14, Čiulėnai, Molėtų r.
homstead for wedding homestead for conferences sodyba šventėms homestead by a lake bath tub homsteads by the lake recreation at the lake big homestead rural homstead hall for parties accommodation bed organization of conferences ballroom rent of banquet hall...
Žygeivių slėnis, G. Indrašiaus IVV
85.8 km | Užpaliai, Utenos r.
Kayaks kayak rentals active recreation campgrounds educational program rent of bikes resorts excursions hiking composition of routes giudes Šventoji Jara Vyžuona river Utena
Stirnamis, kaimo turizmo sodyba
88.5 km | Ilmėdo g. 45, Sklėriškės k., Molėtų r.
rural homstead homstead rural tourism homestead by a lake farmstead holiday rent of a hut rent of banquet hall delicious food rent of steamhouse entertainment water gaieties rest in village rent of conference hall farmstead accommodation sodyba šventėms...
Rūta, poilsio bazė, UAB "Vilniaus Sigmos poilsinės"
89.1 km | Ežerų g. 49, Kirneilės k., Molėtų r.
rest recreation center resorts dining room Finnish sauna Russian steamhouse ballroom rent of banquet hall conference hall conference halls rent of conference hall billiard table tennis boats rent of boats fishing...
Zelva, poilsio bazė
90.3 km | Zelvė, Elektrėnų sav.
recreation center rest houses campsite camping campings children and youth camps camping rural tourism at the lake forest Elektrėnai Vievis bed rest nutrition dining room...
Lobinio sodyba
94.2 km | Pušyno g. 5, Antandrajos k., Utenos r.
homstead rent of homstead rural homstead for conferences calm recreation fishing tub bath boat barbeque